At the age of thirty, Sarah Woehler Hale had been married for nearly a decade and was saddled with a mortgage, a job she didn’t like, and the prospect of never leaving the state she grew up in. Practically overnight, she made the hard decision to leave her marriage and walk away from the life that she knew, all for the hope of a life she had dreamed about from the time she was a kid. Armed with gusto and determination — and a great deal of fear — leaving her marriage was the impetus for pursuing the kind of life she always wanted. But it wasn’t without grit, tears, and some strategic planning before she ultimately changed careers, moved cross-country from her home state of Maine to San Francisco and then to New York City, traveled the world, launched a podcast on relationships, and ultimately left her corporate job to pursue her life purpose.
A manual for personal transformation, How To Change Your Life was inspired by Sarah’s personal experiences seeking change, featuring tactical tips on how to change your life from the ground up and incorporating all the facets of change that you will inevitably encounter along the way. If you too are thinking about making a change but don’t know where to begin, start by reading this book and you will be on your way to making the necessary changes to live a more fulfilling, rich, and juicy life.